Both SKALD and Unknown Realm Are Hosting Livestreams Today

If you’ve been following the development of either SKALD: Against the Black Priory or Unknown Realm — both of which, if you’ve heard of neither, are retro-styled CRPGs currently in development — then today is a very good day for you. Developers from both projects are hosting livestreams, which can be viewed on YouTube.
You can find the SKALD stream here, and the Unknown Realm stream here.
Expect to see more of this. I was chatting a bit with some folks on the Unknown Realm Discord server last night, and the point was made by someone there that these sorts of streamed, live presentations are only going to become more and more commonplace — more the norm — for developers going forward, especially small/indie developers. People are less inclined to read lengthy text-based progress updates, but they’ll happily tune in for a stream or watch the recap video at a later time.
(Hat tip: Infinitron Dragon)
Thanks for the post! I had not heard about the Unknown Realm stream and would love to see how things are going for them. I tried clicking on the link in the post and it takes me to a video marked “private”. Is this the correct link?
Try again.