The Dark Unknown: Act 1 NPC Schedules Complete

Goldenflame Dragon has reached another significant milestone in the development of Chronicles of Ellusus: The Dark Unknown this week: all NPCs that players will meet during the first act of the game now have schedules. What’s more, the Facebook update announcing this also teases some of the complexity that the plot of the game will have:
Finished the last of the schedules in Consolation Tower. I think that’s the last of the schedules for NPCs that you can encounter during act 1, actually, so that’s a good milestone. I have to do dialog for 3 more NPCs here, and most of the NPCs at Life’s Hope, and then I’m golden until the end of the war causes some NPCs to be allowed to go home and I add them to the towns. And, for that matter, modify damn near every NPC’s dialog to adjust for the change in the geopolitical situation. Why do I do this to myself?
As always, you can — and should! — follow The Dark Unknown on Facebook for the latest updates about the game’s development.