Corven – Path of Redemption: Cloth Map Concept; Denis Loubet Cover Art Sketch

Some exciting news from Corv and Lycantic, respectively the developer and studio working on Corven – Path of Redemption (an Ultima-inspired RPG that grew out of the now-cancelled Ultima IX: Redemption project). Firstly, the game’s Kickstarter campaign is still coming up this year:
Development is going very well and we should be able to go ahead with the Kickstarter as planned in May. I can’t give you the exact date yet, but I will as soon as I can. Just keep checking this website ( from time to time.
As mentioned before we will release a prototype demo of the starting island along with the Kickstarter so you all can see in which direction this game is going. We do this so you see that we are not just pitching some theoretical dream in the KS but a game that we can actually make and are already in the process of creating.
Additionally, Corv had a prototype of the game’s cloth map made; you can see the full screenshot in the news post, and a glimpse of it in the image above:
We created a prototype map. It does not have all details yet and we will wait with adding text till the world is done BUT just so you get an idea about how the cloth map you will be getting with certain backer levels will look like we had a protoype cloth map done too.
Finally, a rather exciting announcement: the game’s cover art will be done by none other than former Origin Systems artist Denis Loubet:
Last but definitely not least: Denis Loubet got the first sketch of the Corven cover art done…By the way: this sketch has been on our forum ( for a while now. Be part of our community there to get more sneak peaks in the future, before everyone else.
As always, be sure to follow the Lycantic website — and, apparently, the forum there, as well — for the latest updates about Corven.
I cannot wait to play Coven!
Are there really people with good will towards Ultima that would pledge towards this? A game made by a “developer” who trashed Shroud and Lord British at every opportunity, but then sat down to suck Richard’s rat tail the second he turned Corv’s way? If so, it is more proof Ultima is dead. Can’t wait to see Corv’s excuse to why the cloth map can’t fit in the box! Hopefully Loubet got paid up front!