Through the Moongate – Part II: Kickstarter Campaign Successful, and Then Some (Indiegogo Campaign Underway)

Happy news! Andrea Contato’s next book, the second volume of Through the Moongate, was — as of a couple of days ago — successfully funded on Kickstarter.
As you can see, the final total for the campaign was €42,196, which is well in excess of the €25,000 base goal. This wasn’t quite enough to unlock all of the planned stretch goals, but those can still become a reality if the book garners additional support on Indiegogo, whereat its secondary crowdfunding campaign is now active.
So, congratulations to the good Mr. Contato on this successful round of fundraising. I am looking forward to receiving the second volume of Through the Moongate next year!
This is totally awesome! Part I was a great read, with unique content as promised, which really makes me look forward to Part II.