The Hearth of Britannia…Resurrected

Rustic Dragon’s Hearth of Britannia project has been dormant for a goodly while now, but as of this week it has had new life breathed into it. Yes, the Hearth is back, and Rustic Dragon has a plan for it.
It’s been a long time and I appreciate your patience. The Hearth is back and there’s a lot of story to tell. To tell that story, I have prepared two resources for you:
1. Firstly, the Chronicle of Resurrection, which explains why The Hearth went on hiatus and what it will do to get back on track.
2. Second is the Updated About Page on The Hearth’s website. This page was sorely lacking in the past and now it comprehensively covers The Hearth’s projects and goals.
Please take a look at these two pages and let me know if you have any questions. 🙂
For those of you who haven’t been following Rustic’s adventures over the last few years, the very short summary is that he has moved a number of times, and then into a succession of ever-smaller living spaces; he no longer lives in the large home that made the early, elaborate Hearth of Britannia banquets possible.
However, now that his circumstances have again stabilized, he has plans to make some changes to his current dwelling, to increase the capacity and capabilities of its kitchen in order to enable him to, continue his work on the long-in-development Hearth of Britannia cookbook, and then possible even to pursue cooking as a full-time business opportunity. To that end, and to finance the needed upgrades and changes to his home, Rustic has launched a Patreon page, with the aim of building up a supplemental income stream with which to purchase new equipment and get back to the business of the Hearth.
Rustic has put so much time, effort, energy and money into the Hearth that it’s good to see he’s back.