Spam Spam Spam Humbug 127 – Kung Fu Bunny Engines

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This episode of the podcast begins with a discussion of Draxenath’s ongoing project, Record of the Dragon Goddess, as well as some stories from Harmony Dragon’s many and varied Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. That said, it will not surprise that the topic – get this – shifts to other things, including sibling squabbles and the latest disappointments some of us are feeling with Shroud of the Avatar.
From there, the discussion turns to cutscenes, with Golem Dragon offering up some thoughts on cutscene design. Thereafter, the recently-launched World of Warcraft Classic gets some attention; it’s a marvel to see how many people are lining up — literally, as the server queues have been terrible — to enjoy this older, more punishing version of the popular MMORPG. Also amusing is the fact that for as punishing as Classic is regarded as being now, World of Warcraft at its launch billed as a more casual take on the genre, as compared to EverQuest. And all of that takes place before WtF Dragon is able to join the conversation.
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