Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #339 and #340

Greetings Friends! Today we have your biweekly update on Shroud of the Avatar.  As always, please leave any thoughts or comments below.  In generic SotA news, we currently do not have the annual report yet that is submitted to the SEC. We also do not have any update on the Blade of the Avatar print copy that many backers are still owed. In today’s update we have the following news:

  • Chris’s Upcoming Shipping Party
  • Avatar’s Radio Shutting Down Today
  • Episode 2 Stretch Goal Store Sale

Chris’s Upcoming Shipping Party

In a recent stream (07-10-2019 Stream Notes) Chris informed viewers that he was going to be hosting a Team Meetings/Grilling Out/Shipping Backer Boxes party on Tuesday July 16th, 2019.  He stated:

“if you are owned a box, write Customer Service or Chris on the forums, will also look for folks who have posted in the Physical Goods thread on the announcement forum.”

However, due to the fact most backers do not watch Chris’s streams on Twitch, I wanted to highlight this here so that backers can contact him to try and get their box.  Our very own Withstand the Fury Dragon, aka WTF Dragon, has yet to receive his collector’s edition box. As always there is still a thread on the SotA forums where people still are not receiving their boxes, one recent poster has even claimed they were told by Chris live on his stream that he would ship it. After months they still has not received it.

Avatar’s Radio Shutting Down Today

On July 9th, Amber Raine posted in the Avatars Radio thread on the SotA forums, an update that certainly caught the attention of some of her fellow Dragons in Discord.  While Avatars Radio has been one of the consistent player created organizations in the game, unfortunately it is being shut down as of midnight tonight.  Amber states the following as her explanation:

We at Avatars Radio would like to thank each and every member of this amazing community for a long and wonderful ride on your air waves and through your Aether Vibration Amplifiers. However, it does come time for this ride to end for now.

As of July 15th, 2019, Avatars Radio will be going radio silent at 11:59pm NBT/CST.

We have been together for so long that I never thought about how difficult it would be to say goodbye, Still we must say farewell for now.

As many of you are fully aware of, I have been having some serious medical issues over the past couple of years. These medical issues have taken me away more then a couple of times where I have been unable to fulfill my duties as the leader in command of this ship.

Today, I am the bearer of both good and sad news.

First the good: My medical team has found what they believe may have been causing the medical issues I have been experiencing and there is serious surgery planned in the near future. And by near, as soon as the end of the month. I trust them and feel this is the best for my own perseverance.

This surgery will take quite a long time to recover from. Healing and rehabilitation could take up to a year when all is said and done. But the light at the end of the tunnel could mean the stopping of the seizures and other ailments I have been experiencing.

Finding out this news I was excited, who wouldn’t be? Stop the seizures? Make my life easier, more bearable, of course I need to do this.

Rule #1 of Avatars Radio – First life first. And this one is a serious one to take effect.

So great news right? However here comes the negative. I will be out for up to a year. I will not be able to be here, and without me, Avatars Radio as an entity will not be able to continue as it is.

I do want to thank each and every one of you personally for the wonderful events you have hosted, the welcoming us all into your homes, businesses, and events and for making Avatars Radio number 1 on your radio dial.

You have all been absolutely wonderful over the past 5 and a half years that we have been an entity in this community. Avatars Radio, a radio station that is known around Shroud of the Avatar. People know us and know the name.

We have built amongst us friendships that will last far beyond the closing of our doors. Experiences that we may have never gotten a chance to experience and lessons that we can take with us into future endeavours.

So, as much as it is going to hurt. Disappoint, and sadden us to see it go. Closing of Avatars Radio is the best and is the only option on the table.

Everything that we do is always serving our own evolution and we always get lessons that we can’t get any other way.

You can think of all the hard work that we put into this as counting towards your next endeavour and next event because here’s the thing: hard work is never wasted.

And we have all worked so very hard over the 5 and a half years that Avatars Radio has been an entity. And I could not thank you all, each and every one of you, for every minute of every hour that you have put into the station. To bring it to where it is today. You helped make my dream a reality and it was an amazing ride. But, it is time to get off.

So, everyone has at least one set this coming week. It will be the last set. July 15th, 2019 , Avatars Radio will be going off the air.

Thank you all for taking the time to be here, the events you have hosted, and for the years you have spent with us, and for the years of service and friendship you have given to the station and to the community. Thanks for all the fish!

As someone who considers Amber to be a friend, I wish her the best of luck.  I know what it is like to have a long term recovery and rehabilitation.  Feel free to post below any best wishes, thoughts, etc and keep her in your prayers.

Episode 2 Stretch Goal Store Sale

As part of the Portalarium celebration of Lord British’s birthday on July 4, the devs have reduced the prices on every item in the Episode 2 Stretch Goal Store by 50%. Feel free to check it out.  As of noon today, the sale is still going on.


10 Responses

  1. nikolaus says:

    i dont know… who actually wants to own a horse mask??

  2. Frank says:

    The stretch goal store is not designed to actually meet a goal and be fulfilled. It’s for appearances.

    • GolemDragon says:

      the moment they did the stretch goal store back during early development, they all most certainly were never going to be fulfilled. If anything stretch goals for actual dedicated writers to improve quality would have been more likely to be fulfilled.

      • Frank says:

        Agree. I think this shows that the focus has never been making a good story driven RPG.

  3. Forsaken Dragon says:

    Yay! 50% off horsey heads. This game is such a pathetic joke. They definitely have Forsaken EVERY virtue with this joke of a game…awful!

    • GolemDragon says:

      I consider it to be a bad investment, however Kickstarters like the Shadowrun Returns games, the Boss Monster and The Manhattan Project card/tabletop games, Underworld Ascendant, and others have been well worth it. Same with a few IndieGoGo projects… one bad decision out of many good ones is still a decent “batting average” for me. ♥

      • Forsaken Dragon says:

        I’m still holding off on Ascendant. I know they have made a lot of improvements, but boy what a mess it was when first released. Still though, I don’t regret backing it like I do Shroud.

      • GolemDragon says:

        It was “just an ok game” at launch, but it certainly has improved alot. I am confident it will get even better too. They kept scope in mind which is why polish and fixes have come at a far better pace and with many things backers wanted along the way. Sam, the Community Manager for them on Discord, is amazing. I cannot praise that man enough for his hard work, open communication, and honesty. If Portalarium had someone like Sam working for them throughout all of development and post “launch”, they certainly would be in a far better place. The customer/backer/player experience is literally night and day difference between the companies. Is why I have hopes for more good stuff from Otherside. I have hopes for System Shock 3. I just hope it works out.

    • Nikolaus says:

      yeah ive been waiting so long until i can finally afford my own horse mask. now waiting for the horse ass asset to be 50% off