Shroud of the Avatar – What Email Blast?

Good Morning Friends! One week ago, it was brought to my attention there was an email blast supposedly from Portalarium, about a free login reward.  however this email blast came from a different email address than what has been used by their regular email blasts to backers/players.  This not only confused a number of people who I spoke to and those contacted me, but the question of who got the email and who didn’t came up across the board.

In the email (see below) you can see they sent out a blast to encourage people to return to Shroud of the Avatar.  In my reaching out to players most never received this email. In fact the only emails they get are from the connect@ email address. However, this email blast came from a newsletter@ email address.  Fascinating enough, an account that has no pledge account got this email twice, in the span of the past week.  However that same individual has a separate email account that is tied to both KS and a SotA pledge, and that one never got an email. In fact the normal connect@ emails stopped years ago for the no pledge account. Why this one would suddenly get emails encouraging the recipient to return when the email account has never had a pledge account to even play, especially from an all new email address, certainly creates suspicion.

On top of that, a few people I spoke to logged in and informed me that they never got their rewards. I did ask them if they checked their Reward section as Rewards had recently changed to auto claiming. And so I decided to go directly to Starr Long.

In reaching out to Starr Long, I got answers to some of the questions I posed to him:

  •  “It appears that most individuals I reached out to did not receive a copy of this email. Were only certain accounts eligible for this email/offer…”
  •  Before I bring up the people who did not receive items, I inquire –  “do these rewards arrive then in June? I bring this up because those who I spoke to, who did received this email, and did log in, did not receive any items. “
  • I asked about the difference in email address used as more than a dozen individuals questioned the legitimacy of it.
  • I inquired about “What size lot home is this? Is it simply one that can be acquired already in-game and not via pledge or In Game Addon Store? “

Starr Long did get back to me with the following emails:

Starr Long
May 9, 2019, 12:16 PM (21 hours ago) to me

The reward is for all players.

Starr Long
May 9, 2019, 8:09 PM (13 hours ago) to me

We are doing batch emails but the email is irrelevant

Sent from my iPhone

Not much for details from Starr which did not surprise me.  However, I was able to share with those I reached out that this reward is for all players. This was definitely well received.  One thought I crossed my mind while writing this post is, “will there be regular monthly login rewards?”  However, you can also see he says this blast email is only being done in batches, so many people are not getting it. I didn’t pry into if they were sending them internally, using a free level account newsletter service like MailChimp offers, or if they are using one of a number of other options out there including the favorite of some of us, using Amazon’s Web Services.  As you can see, Starr says the email is irrelevant.  The reputation of the IP address as well as the domain that the email is sent from plays a role when dealing with spam filters, etc.  Plus when customers are used to a certain email address, when the email address changes, with no warning, it will spark questions as to legitimacy.  If this is a new method for them for sending out mass emails, what would also explain the batches as it helps build reputation.

I was then informed in voice chat on a non-discord platform, that Starr had posted a forum post just before his initial email to me.  It would have been nice to have been told that more info was available there, when I emailed originally no info was posted anywhere on the forum or website about this reward. From his forum post we learn the following: that the 3 story house is a row lot size home. The 3-story Wood & Plaster Row Home basically has an extra floor compared to the home that comes with the free row lot that all players receive just by playing the game.


So again communication from Portalarium is lacking. However, I hope for those who do still play Shroud of the Avatar, that they take advantage of what some are obviously seeing as a positive.  Let us here know, did you get this email blast? did you successfully get your reward?

8 Responses

  1. Forsaken Dragon says:

    Lack of or bad communication from Portalarium? How shocking. These guys are a complete joke, more examples of greatness from these industry veterans!

    • GolemDragon says:

      If I had gotten better communication, I was prepared to do a whole paragraph praising the idea of monthly or even daily login rewards like some games offer as a possible thing Portalarium should consider doing. However as you can see from the email responses I got, and the failure to go into any level of depth, killed that. OtherSide Entertainment has been a joy to communicate with and get honest and detailed answers. The community manager, Sam, is amazing. Truly someone who not only has the skills but the temperament to do the job at an excellent level. Portalarium could have used someone like him for the life of this project.

  2. TomTheTank says:

    Was it me or did Starr’s response look like gibberish? The funny think is that they had spelling errors in the email and they noted the map system in which many towns and zones are bugged or are completed void of a map all together. To make matters worse is the free house they give you is bugged as well. You would think they would at least spell check the email and give items that are not bugged.

    • GolemDragon says:

      The short and (quite honestly) lacking in any detail responses showed to me that they simply don’t care. Which is sad, but it certainly makes me wonder if much of the remaining team have “checked out” basically. If I had gotten detailed and more thoughtful of answers, my post would have had a very different tone to it. I am happy to praise Portalarium for some of the good things in their game. Two examples are the first ones that come to mind. 1) They have some scenes that are quite good. Some even better than ones in Outward and other smaller adventure games that are out there. 2)The first time I tried archery in the game during pre-alpha was a blast. As an avid shooter myself, it was fun to imagine how they could improve on it from the first iteration and really make it shine.

      However, despite aspects and moments that I am happy to praise, mistakes and bad decisions still deserve to be brought up. The spelling errors made me laugh, however it is such an obvious issue that I saw no need to point it out. The map system is one that simply has nobody working on it so there are no maps, errors, bugs, etc. I believe they even pulled the maps from the Linux version of the game for a while at one point. How is the free house bugged? I heard after the article was posted that the place-able dog is slightly bugged for some people.

      • TomTheTank says:

        I think you are correct about most of them being “checked out”. You might have received a better response from Chris as it seems he is now the only “face” of Portalarium.

        I agree there are quite a few scenes that are pretty stunning. Even some of the detail on objects are good. I know most of it was built using the Unity Store, but they did go an extra step and polish it up better. The game play and in game systems do have a lot to be desired. The UI is old and basic looking and you can’t even customize it as with other games. At times when walking your Avatar seems to randomly run in place, walk on water or some other crazy movement. Overall if seems more emphases was placed on visuals rather then basic systems. It’s tough to see how a game that raised so much money has so little to offer.

  3. TomTheTank says:

    Oh, regarding the bugged house. The window shades don’t open and shut as they are supposed to, there are random glitches to the building, and the ground renders through it (grass thru the floorboards). There are a few bug posts about it in the bug reporting section on the forums.

  4. Bubonic says:

    It’s pretty interesting they are STILL trying to sell this as non-instanced housing. This was part of the original kickstarter pitch, in regards that housing would be limited and therefore valuable. Then they intentionally sold MANY towns which have no connection to the overworld map, so they could create as many INSTANCES (or, AREAS, if you need to argue semantics) as they felt like without limiting housing.

    Don’t be fooled.

  1. May 20, 2019

    […] a previous post I talked about the recent blast emails that appear to be going to only some individuals and not […]