Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #283

Greetings Friends! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

Improving the Ebon Dawn Cultists

The Ebon Dawn Cultists are modern Novian worshipers of the historic Obsidian Order. They seek to restore the ancient power of the Obsidians and work with the Obsidian Cabalists and even the Undead. Until now these enemies have been using the same art as bandits. In Release 55 they will be getting their own art based on the Obsidian Order armor devs created for the Release 53 Livestream Stretchgoals, albeit these versions are darker in color and more worn in appearance. Additionally in Release 56 you will be able to loot these enemies for this armor and salvage it for patterns.

Ebon Dawn Fighter

Ebon Dawn Archer

Ebon Dawn Mage

The Making of Norgard Fens

This marsh on the southern tip of Norgard was previously a Tier 3 area but is being upgraded to a Tier 5 area for Release 55. The increase in difficulty of this scene is part of a longer term effort where devs will be increasing the difficulty of several scenes to better match the surrounding scenes and the character’s progress along the associated story paths that bring you near those scenes. Mushroom creatures and Reapers roam this marsh and have defeated any attempts to harvest the abundant natural resources of the area. Even the industrious Kobolds who have recently been trying to build a foothold here have been meeting with defeat and nature’s marshy hands.

[From a Dev+ Forum Post by Esteben “SorcerousSteve” Zaldivar]

Hey guys! SorcerousSteve here to give you a first look at the uncloning of the Norgard Fens.

A large inspiration for certain areas of the Norgard Fens came from the dark swamps featured in movies such as The Nerverending Story and The Princess Bride. This particular area featured below is dark and musty, vegetation has stopped growing, and it is littered with quicksand pits.

The home of the Beldame of Norgard Fens. This wretched crone makes her home deep in the swamp. Rumours abound that she likes to abduct children…

This Kobold camp located on the eastern side of the Norgard Fens is in a slow state of decline. Initially established as a scouting camp to research psilocybin it has started to slowly succumb to this unrelenting landscape. Disease, and starvation face the few kobolds who manage to hold on while research on the mushroom species continues.

Large open areas covered in fallen logs, tall grasses, and low water can be found throughout the Norgard Fens.

Stay tuned for more as we continue developing the Norgard Fens!

Esteben “SorcerousSteve” Zaldivar
Level Designer