Release 54 Livestream

Another release livestream coming up! The Release 54 Livestream is set for June 4, just a few days after Release 54 goes live on May 31 next week.
Monthly livestreams are on Twitch and include answers to your gameplay questions, world building tours, prize giveaways, sales on items, and more! Here is the schedule:
- 3PM: Introductions and Q&A
- 3:45PM: Deep Dive 1: PVP
- 4:30PM: World Building Tour: New Scenes & Quests
- 5:30PM: Deep Dive 2: Heraldry
- 6:15PM: Q&A Continues
- 7PM: Ending Announcements
NEW! STRETCH GOALS (Tropical Themed!)
As a special bonus, devs are offering funding rewards to any player that makes a minimum purchase of $5 during a twelve hour window during the day of the livestream, on June 4 from 12:00 PM to 11:59 PM CDT (June 4 17:00 to June 5 05:00 UTC). The theme for this livestream is Tropical in honor of the summer season starting!
All purchases during the twelve hour window will count towards the stretch goals, not just the four hours of the livestream! NOTE: Spending Store Credit to make $5 minimum purchase does not apply.
- $10K: /rainbow
- $20K: /haka & /hula
- $30K: Leaf Backpack
- $40K: Palapa
- $50K: Polynesian Dress with Tropical Flower Crown
- $65K: Polynesian Axe & Spear
- $80K: Large Tiki Heads with Flames
- $90K: Polynesian Bow plus two other Weapons
- $100K: Polynesian Daemon Themed Armor with Full Helm
*Please keep in mind that stretch goal rewards take time to develop and will most likely not be available until Release 56 at the earliest. Devs will keep you updated!
Additionally, devs will be having twelve hours of sales around the livestream from 12:00 PM to 11:59 PM CDT (June 4 17:00 to June 5 05:00 UTC)! All of the following items in the below categories will be on sale at approx. 20% off for the entire 12 hours. As noted above all purchases during the twelve hours will count towards the stretch goals!
- In-game items!
- Bank Upgrades
- merchandise
- and a bunch of items we will announce on the livestream!
Devs will be giving prizes away on an hourly basis with many being given away multiple times. If you wish to win prizes during the event, be in Discord chat! Devs will be active on Twitch and YouTube chats as well, but they will not be our portal for prize giveaways.
Devs will be answering questions throughout the livestream, so submit them in the comments section of the original post or on Discord chat during the event.
Please do NOT post questions containing:
- More than 3 questions in total (post all three in a single reply)
- Bugs or other problems best posted in the bug forums
- “When is this coming” or anything related to schedule (devs would rather have you look at the schedules they put out)
- Questions with more than a couple of sentences. Please keep them brief! Devs will likely understand the context of your interest, so just ask the question and they’ll be able to respond.