Greetings Friends! As we get closer to my doing my review video of SotA and well as more of us returning to give the game a shot at least, we have a bunch of more updates from the devs on scenes and other stuff. So here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:
- The Making of South Boundless Forest
- The Observatory Home
- More Vendor Updates
- The Companions of Truth, Love, and Courage (cont.)
- Making of Northwood (cont.)
- Making of Blood River Forest (cont.)
The Making of South Boundless Forest
[From a A Dev+ Forum Post by Chris “Sea Wolf” Wolf]
Hey folks, I have a few screenshots to share of South Boundless Forest. The forests are home to a group of native barbarians, who have made their home in the ruins of an ancient amphitheater. A kobold mining operation has moved in, and is slowly devouring the barbarian’s homes. The new look for this map is inspired by the giant redwood forests of California, The ruins of amphitheaters such as the Colosseum, and scenes from the movie, the 13th warrior.
This scene is still a work in progress, and you can expect a few more screenshots next week, showing off the underground “Halls of Eating,” and the Kobold logging camp.
The Forest

Hakon’s Wall

The Barbarian Village

The Amphitheater

Chris Wolf
Level Designer
The Observatory Home
In Release 52 devs are adding the new Observatory Village Home. Bob Cooksey designed the home. The Observatory Village Home is modeled closely from some real observatories. This new Village sized home has an observatory dome on the third floor that rotates and opens to reveal the large telescope. Peering through the telescope reveals the constellations in the sky (much like using the astrolabe or moondials).
Have a look below at some new screenshots of the exterior and how you can decorate the interior:

Vendor Variations & Improvements (cont.)
In Release 51 devs added the ability to change the visual appearance of your Player Vendor using the Pattern system. For that release devs introduced 15 patterns including Male Shopkeepers, Cash Registers, as well as Male and Female variations of the original player vendor appearance. This week devs added images for the new Female Shopkeepers that will be going live in Release 52. Personally, I prefer the actual victorian style more, but that is just me.
[From a Dev+ Forum Post by Starr “Darkstarr” Long]
Female Shopkeepers: These player vendor outfits are based on Victorian shopkeeper wear and early concept sketches Denis Loubet made. They come in several outfit colors and face options. 

The Companions of Truth, Love, and Courage (cont.)
This week we continued development on the companions by working on their custom gear. Last week we introduced Conrad’s Silverthorn, the sword of Courage. This week we introduce Fiona’s Lute and Conrad’s Shield.
[From a Dev+ Forum Post by Starr “Darkstarr”]
Conrad’s Shield: Conrad Dupre’s heater shield sports the coat of arms of his adopted home of Resolute. Since Conrad is the companion of courage sometimes his shield is called the Shield of Courage.
Fiona’s Lute: Fiona Fitzowen’s lute is a beautiful custom instrument with the candle of love engraved on the fretboard. 
The Making of Northwood (cont.)
The town of Northwood is located in the grasslands far to the north of Brittany near the western coast of Spindrift Bay in the North Paladis region. Rumors are spreading that the town boasts some remarkable similarities to locations on Earth known as Britannia Manor and Castleton but surely that must be coincidence? Northwood is based on the Grasslands POT template and is being rebuilt for Release 52. As with other town rebuilds the locations of player lots, merchant locations, and scene exits will not be changed.
[From a Dev+ Forum Post by Travis “Vas Corp Por” Koleski]
Here’s a few more screenshots of our progress:



After: (Don’t worry whoever’s house that is, in-editor we don’t see player-placed houses)



Thanks for following our progress!
World Builder
Travis “Vas Corp Por” Koleski
The Making of Blood River Forest (cont.)
Blood River Forest is a Tier 3 adventuring area in the Longfall region, north of Blood River Outskirts. Elves in the region have built a fish hatchery by diverting local waterways. These elves are highly suspicious of all outsiders due to the recent events around Blood River involving vigilante groups. The area also includes the ruins of an ancient stepped pyramid and an abandoned copper stripmine.
[A Dev+ Forum Post by Esteben “SorcerousSteve” Zaldivar]
Hey guys SorcerousSteve here to give you an update on the Blood River Forest! This week I focused on finishing up the major points of interest in the map and for the first time I’ll be showing the inside of the pyramid complex.
Deep in the forest signs of an ancient civilization can still be spotted as a pyramid rises from the dense brush.

Inside the pyramid is a giant water sinkhole, rumors abound of its existence, but as the legend goes this mysterious sinkhole may provide some mystical powers.

Few have laid eyes on the Golden Jaguar.

Vines and roots fill the once ancient ritual chamber.

Open Pit Copper Mine at dusk.

Looking South at the Blood River Forest Fish Hatchery.

Stay tuned for Blood River Forest this R52!
World Builder
Esteben “SorcerousSteve” Zaldivar