Dates Announced for the Fourth Festival of the Silver Serpent; Registration Now Open

Unseen Dragon has announced the dates for the fourth annual Festival of the Silver Serpent:
The Unseen Order is excited to officially announce the Fourth Festival of the Silver Serpent to be held May 4-6, 2018 in Columbia, MD. Information and RSVP information at
You can, of course, click on through to the Festival website to learn more.
The Fourth Festival of the Silver Serpent is a multi-day gathering of long-time companions brought together in fellowship. This is primarily a festival to bring friends and fans of the Ultima and related series together to eat, drink, and be merry. Guests will arrive Friday afternoon to enter the lands. All meals Saturday and Sunday breakfast are provided. Sunday the festival will conclude with some wrap-up activities and general merriment.
This years, the Festival is staying close to its namesake. Guests are encouraged to engage in a number of events and activities in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. These will range from classic medieval festival competitions (think archery and axe throwing), food tasting (premium quality food and spirits), music, and as always, some surprises. This year, the focus will be less on story and questing, and more on community and togetherness.
The event is free, although Unseen Dragon is accepting donations to help offset costs. The guest list is limited to just twenty-five attendees, so be sure to RSVP as soon as possible to secure your place at the event.