Nox Archaist: Four Days Left on Kickstarter

The Kickstarter campaign for Nox Archaist, an RPG being built for the Apple II, is in its final days; as of this writing, it has just over four days left and has raised $17,834 USD. Which is not a bad total…except that its goal is $43,078 USD, which is quite a lot of shortfall to make up in under a week.
The most recent update from 6502 Workshop announced that none other than Rebecca Heineman had backed the game, and also gave us a detailed look at Nox Archaist’s inventory system. Previous to that, they gave us a look at a new dungeon tile, and addressed the question of whether the game will have food in it.
If you haven’t yet backed this game, but have been meaning to, now is the time.