Corven – The Path of Redemption: Looking For a Permanent 3D Artist

The Titans of Ether — the development team working on Corven – Path of Redemption — are looking to bring a 3D artist on board as a permanent (and, I assume, paid) team member:
You are a talented 3D artist and you are trying to get into the game development business? Yes? Then please read on:
We are working with a few freelancers who we pay for each piece of art they create. However since we are just starting out and our budget is very limited we can’t do this for all our additional 3D model needs.
This is why we are looking for a 3D artist who also has some animation experience and most importantly who would be interested in being a permanent part of the core team. The big “issue” with this position is that, for now, we are all working without pay. We believe 100% in our project and in its success and we are looking for someone with the same conviction.
You would be working closely with us, you could give input in the design process and put your mark on this project. In the end you would get a percentage of the earnings.
I think this could be a perfect opportunity for a newcomer with some time on his/her hands to take a big step into the game development business.
For now you would mostly work on armor and loot in general.
If you’d be interested in joining the Titans, avail yourself of their online contact form.