Britannia Manor II Has Been Torn Down

I can’t find anything in terms of a news article about it, though I suppose the demolition of a house — even a large and elaborate one — isn’t exactly newsworthy. Still, it has been reported on the Ultima Dragons Facebook group that Richard Garriott’s former mansion in Austin, Texas, has been torn down. 

You may recall that the Manor was put up for sale a few years ago. Apparently, the new owner filed for a demolition permit in late 2016, and the house was torn down during the springtime. 

All in all, it’s a shame…a dammed shame.

2 Responses

  1. Allen says:

    What monsters. Absolute monsters.

    On a side note, I don’t see anymore news on the new Mass Effect game. You seemed rather keen on it because Tiberous(sp?) was working on it.

  2. Killian says:

    Let me guess, someone from EA studios did this!