Byte-Sized Virtue: Season 4, Episode 7 – The Absurdity of Dishonor

I’ve posited many times in the past that virtue exists as a golden mean on a continuum between two equal and opposite vices. Nor can I take credit for this idea; it’s fundamentally Aristotelean in origin. And I posed the question last week: if Shame is one of the anti-virtues opposing Honor, what then is the other one?
Well, nobody offered an answer, so I’ll put forth my own.
When we talk about Honor, when we analyze what it means to have Honor, we really need to be asking ourselves whether we have Honor because we lack shame, or whether we are mistaking the opposite fault for the virtue instead.
Listen to the Episode
The season of Easter — the (roughly) fifty days of celebration that follows Easter— began on Easter Sunday (which, this year, fell on April 16th). It will continue until Pentecost (June 4th), which feast day commemorates the reception of the Holy Spirit by the Apostles.