Unknown Realm: February Update

I realize it’s mid-March, and my apologies go out to Stirring Dragon for not posting this sooner. A few weeks ago, Stirring Dragon Games published an update to the Unknown Realm Kickstarter page, detailing where the project is at as of last month:
Things are moving along nicely here at Stirring Dragon Games. This month we’ve been doing some of the unavoidable administrative tasks that come with the territory of running a business such as taxes, setting up contracts, finalizing our production schedule and placing orders for some of the physical components for the game. We also have a lot of PR requests in the queue and we’re trying to balance those things against the real work. We should have one interview coming out this week and will post that here when it goes live. We’re trying to keep these to a minimum until we’re closer to our ship date because they do take some time away from development; however, we have a few interviews we agreed to do during Kickstarter and we want to get those out of the way in the near future.
There’s a fair bit more in the update, including the status of the game’s ongoing crowdfunding efforts (via Megafounder). This bit of news, however, may be of interest to those of you who opted not to pledge support for the game at a level that would have netted you one of the custom Commodore 64 cartridges for a reward:
We are still receiving emails from people asking for more C64 Collector’s Editions. While we are completely sold out of these, we have a wait list for people who missed out. We already planned to manufacture some extra units (about 5% over) to cover items that get damaged or lost during shipping, so the wait list will be activated if we have any of those units left over after shipping. If you happened to miss out on Kickstarter and would like to be included on the wait list for the C64 Collector’s Edition, please send us an email (hello@stirringdragon.games). There are no guarantees, but if we have any extras we will make them available on a first come, first serve basis to our wait list.
Click on through and read the rest!