For The King: Early Access Release; Steam Keys for Backers

Yesterday, IronOak Games released For The King on Steam Early Access:
We pushed the big scary green button on Steam and For The King is now live! Just a quick update regarding keys.
Steam Keys for Traveler Tier
Your keys should already be delivered via BackerKit. If you didn’t receive a BackerKit email, you can always access it directly via the link below.
If for some reason you’re still having trouble locating your key, don’t worry! Send us a message and we’ll get it sorted right away.
Steam Keys for Add-Ons
We’ll be sending out any add-on game keys tomorrow. Apologies for the slight delay on these, there was some confusion with BackerKit but it’s all sorted and we’re just awaiting a fresh new batch of keys from Steam. Be on the lookout for an email from BackerKit tomorrow with your add-on keys.
GOG Keys
If you chose GOG key instead of Steam key don’t panic! As soon as we release on GOG we’ll be sending out those keys. In the meantime, we sent you all Steam keys so you can begin playing right away.
And if you’re wondering just exactly how complete a state the game is in at present, they addressed that matter in an earlier update:
The core adventure is complete from beginning to end and the first couple Acts have received significant polish and balancing. Currently only the single player and 3 player coop adventures have been tuned. All cooperative modes can be played both locally and online. There are still some rough edges which we’ll be polishing based on your feedback and we’ll be adding new content up to and beyond our full release. The Lore Store (which contains persistent unlockables) is functioning but will grow significantly in size prior to full release.
So, if you haven’t yet, check out For The King on Steam!