Check Out Slashing Dragon’s Account of the Events of the Ultima Dragons 25th Anniversary Bash

Slashing Dragon has written up a lengthy report on the events of the Ultima Dragons 25th Anniversary Bash, which took place last month in Disneyland. Here is but the merest taste of the missive:
The event kicked off with a panel composed of Dr. Cat, Starr Long, Denis Loubet and Richard Garriott, all of them former Origin employees who worked in the classic Ultima games on the 80’s and 90’s.
Many topics were discussed including the elements of design for the first Ultima games as sandboxes which allowed emergent behavior (Richard Garriott), the role of Ultima Online in the beginning of the age of the MMORPGS (Starr Long), the limitations of hardware and software and how they affected the game art back in the Ultima days (Denis) and the ability of game designers to affect how people interacts (Dr. Cat)
There were three Ultima Fan projects available for checking out at the event. Goldenflame dragon showed Dark Unknown (A completely new game with strong influences from the classic Ultima games) for the first time in public, and people was able to check Ananias, the fabulous game from Slashing Dragon. Sorceress Dragon also prepared a demo for her Oculus powered virtual reality game, which allowed you to roam Ultima 7 Britannia by foot, horse or dragon.
Click on through to read the whole thing, of course.