The Dark Unknown: Targeting Tuning and Cloth Maps

Goldenflame Dragon has been working on targeting (a combat feature) in The Dark Unknown again.
Was out more of the day, but in the late evening I did a bunch of refactoring of the code to set up the target cursor in spellcasts which makes it easier to implement sticky targeting in that case. Code all written, will test tomorrow I hope.
He has also been working on the game’s physical cloth map, getting it ready for printing:
A little more code on sticky targeting, a TON of photoshop work to make the cloth map suitable for printing (needed more ocean space on the margins because we cannot guarantee that the image will print perfectly centered, which meant needing to jiggle all the compass lines around), set up an account at for printing the books and getting ready to test-print the Ref Guide, and started setting up the backer surveys for KS.
As always, be sure to follow The Dark Unknown on Facebook for up-to-the-minute updates concerning its development.