The Ultima Game Music Fan Recreation Project: Track Download Links (for Backers)

I don’t know if I ever posted about Mike Madigan’s (he’s also known as AKLGamma Dragon) project — funded via Kickstarter — to re-create and remix various pieces from the soundtracks of the Ultima games, in collaboration with composer Dan Belleville. It was successfully funded a few months back. (I know I shied away from making much mention of it here on the site, in part because I was worried about the legal ramifications of some of the rewards they were promising to backers of the project.)
Be that as it may: the good Mr. Madigan has just released — for those who backed the project, at least — digital versions of all of the remixed tunes, in both WAV and MP3 format. And, for those of you who backed the project at a sufficient level to qualify for its other rewards, there’s an update about those as well:
All tracks will be available along with all the other Ultima game track collections on the USB keys as part of the rewards packages.
Rewards packages will start to ship out the week of September 12th and I will have another update shortly to each backer when they are sent out.
I will of course respect the wises of Mr. Madigan and Mr. Belleville and not repost the download links here. However, I’ll probably use some of their handiwork as intro/outtro music on future Spam Spam Spam Humbug episodes, so you’ll be able to get a taste of what they’ve wrought that way.