Ultima Online: Publish 94 Released on Origin, Izumo, and Baja; Mandatory Client Update

After pushing a partial version of Publish 94 for Ultima Online to the Test Center shard in late July, and after updating that to the full version of the Publish only a few days later, Broadsword Online Games have released Publish 94 on the Origin, Izumo, and Baja shards.
We will be pushing Publish 94 to Origin, Izumo, and Baja this afternoon, 8/4/2016, at approximately 4 pm ET. At the time of the publish the Ultima Store, promotional code warehouse, and character transfer warehouse will be down for the three above named shards until we publish World Wide on August 10th.
We will also be deploying a patch for the enhanced client to fix an additional crash with Legacy container mode.
One of the main features of Publish 94 is the new content that takes place in the Kotl City:
Treasures of the Kotl City
- Requires Time of Legends
- The ruins of the Kotl City have been discovered in the Valley of Eodon. The entrance is located off the road between the Barako and Urali Tribe villages.
- Creatures killed within the Kotl City have a chance of dropping “Artifacts of the Kotl”
- “Artifacts of the Kotl” can be turned in for a variety of rewards,
Additionally, this Publish adds in various Halloween-themed items, as well as a number of 19th Anniversary gifts for players (which won’t become available until September 1st, mind you).
Finally, there has been a game client update:
A new client will be published out today and it is mandatory that you update your client.
- The Terms of Service that is now present in the log in process has been corrected and you will also be able to view a Japanese version of the Terms of Service.
- We have also fixed a crash reported by the players involving the Enhanced client and containers.
Thank you for your patience.
For any of you who still play Ultima Online, have fun storming the Kotl City!