Make a Trailer for Shroud of the Avatar (And, Yes, Win Prizes)

Portalarium have announced a new contest for the Shroud of the Avatar fan community…the Dawn of New Britannia Community Trailer Contest:
Get those eye popping trailer ideas ready, Avatars! This is your chance to show that Shroud of the Avatar is both the game, and community, that new players will want to experience next! The ‘Dawn of New Britannia Community Trailer Contest’ kicks off today!
You have from August 4, 2016 (Now) to August 21, 2016 (11:59 PM CDT) to design a video trailer for all New Britannians to see and admire. Glamorous city districts, creative player-owned towns, luxurious housing, intense combat, majestic outdoor areas, and so much more is available to proudly show off. There’s a nearly infinite potential in creating a trailer that makes even the most hardy New Britannia cry in joy, and to want to share the video with others.
Here are the requirements for trailer submissions:
- Keeping to the Shroud of the Avatar world (Only SotA footage, audio, or your own (free/non-copyrighted) assets)
- Overall originality and artistic flair (Don’t overdo it! Simplicity can work wonders)
- Diversity of in-game areas presented (Outside scenes, inside homes, dungeons, etc.!)
- Overall flow from opening scenes, buildup of in-game footage, and end scene
- Seamless transitions, consistency, and smooth gameplay throughout
- Will it make a fan shed a tear in joy? Brownie points here!
And here are the prizes you can win:
- Grand Prize: $1,000 Store Credit, SotA signed t-shirt, Sword of Midras book, SotA COTOs coin, and a specially signed congratulations letter from Richard Garriott.
- 2nd Place: $500 Store Credit, SotA signed t-shirt, Sword of Midras book, SotA COTOs coin
- 3rd Place: $250 Store Credit, SotA signed t-shirt, Sword of Midras book, SotA COTOs coin
There’s a big Telethon of the Avatar planned for August 22nd; the winning trailers will be announced therein.