Voxel Quest: Source Code Release Plan


Gavan Woolery’s contract work at OpenAI has come to an end, so he’s working (for the time being) on releasing the source code for Voxel Quest. It’s worth noting that there won’t be a single release of the game’s code, but rather a number of such releases:

I may have discussed it elsewhere, but I am aiming on getting a few different releases out for VQ. There were roughly 5 major iterations of the engine (2 of the ray-casting ones were fairly similar). Each release will probably occur separately. The first release I am targeting actually an older version of the engine, as seen below, just because I think it is interesting content-wise (each new iteration often lost some of the content in favor of new incompatible methods for the tech).

Be sure to keep an eye on the Voxel Quest website for news of each release as it happens.