Support Nightdive Studios’ Remastering of System Shock on Kickstarter (And Play the Demo via GOG)

Nightdive Studios have finally brought their effort to remaster the original System Shock to Kickstarter. You’ll recall that they’ve been working on this project for a while now (you’ll recall that news about it first broke — here, at least — in November of 2015), so it’s great to see it far enough along to warrant a Kickstarter campaign.
That campaign, incidentally, began on June 28th, with a goal of $900,000; with twenty-four days remaining, Nightdive have raised (as of this writing) $784,263. It would seem a fairly certain thing, then, that they will reach their goal. So, here’s what the money is going toward:
System Shock is a complete remake of the genre defining classic from 1994, rebuilt from the ground up with the Unity Engine.
System Shock was one of the first 3D games that took a methodical approach to exploration while revealing a story driven narrative through audio logs and messages scattered throughout the game world. It was a revolutionary step forward for the medium in a time when developers first began experimenting with interactive story telling.
Players were trapped aboard Citadel Station as they fought to survive against the cyborgs and mutated crew members corrupted by a maniacal A.I. known as SHODAN, one of the most treacherous antagonists ever conceived. System Shock offered an unparalleled experience that would solidify it as one of the greatest games of all time.
- General Features
→ A modern take on System Shock, a faithful reboot; it’s not Citadel Station as it was, but as you remember it. Many improvements, overhauls and changes are being implemented to capture the spirit of what the original game was trying to convey, and bring it to contemporary gamers.
→ Re-imagined enemies, weapons, and locations by original concept artist Robb Waters.
→ Terri Brosius reprises her role as SHODAN, and new VO will be recorded.
→ Brand new musical score composed by Jonathan Peros.
→ The user interface, game mechanics, enemies, and puzzles will be updated to reflect modern aesthetics and sensibilities, while maintaining the feel of the original.- Scope Features
→ $900k Goal: Modern Inventory Management, Modern Controls, New Puzzles, Updated Faithful Levels, Game Difficulty Modes.
→ $1.7m Goal : Enemy limb dismemberment, More puzzles, Ammo types/weapon settings, Vending machines, Basic components/research, RPG progression, Weapon upgrading, Hardcore mode (No respawning), Ironman mode (Only 1 savegame. If you die, the save is deleted)
The minimum pledge to end up with a copy of System Shock is $25, and physical copies of the game become available at (and above) the $75 pledge level. There’s also a free demo of System Shock available at GOG, which seems to be earning significant praise.