Mage Duels: Alpha Version 0.0.2 Released; Master Server Coming Online Soon

Version 0.0.2 of the Ultima Online-inspired arena brawler, Mage Duels, was evidently released back in April:
I did a bunch of testing on the Linux and Windows versions and everything seems to be stable enough. I have no clue what is going to happen with more than 2 people on at a time so lets stress test the crap out if this thing!
So please download and hop on. Hopefully we have some people hitting the server.
You can grab the Windows and Linux builds of Mage Duels at either the game’s main download page, or through the project entry here.
Additionally, it would seem that version 0.0.3 of the game will be a bit delayed; the developer is focusing his efforts on creating a master server for the game at the moment:
What is a master server?
From unityThe Master Server is a meeting place that puts game instances in touch with the player clients who want to connect to them. It can also hide port numbers and IP addresses and perform other technical tasks that arise when setting up network connections, such as firewall handling and NAT punchthrough.
I am making a few changes to unity’s master server code to make it support matches. Each server will be given a set of states: Open, Ready, In Use. An open server can be joined by a single player. The player will configure the set up of the server. Once configuration is updated the server goes into a ready state. Another player can join a ready server to start a match.
Eventually the servers will be able to support multiple game types, be password protected, as well as being set for 1v1 or team v team.
Be sure to follow the Mage Duels website for further updates!