Ultima IX Redemption: Three More Surveys

Corv has basically gone mad over the versatility of the new survey widget thing he’s using at the Titans of Ether website, and has published three additional surveys to further gauge just what comprises the optimal Ultima…at least among the community of those who are following Ultima IX: Redemption’s development:
I really enjoyed the input we got for the crafting system in Ultima. This alone made the whole poll idea worth it already.
So on to more detailed questions, like promised. If you are not satisfied with the answers you can choose from, or if you want to elaborate on your choice, then please feel free to comment here or in the forum. Thank you!
Some of those questions won’t be directly related to Redemption, but instead be general questions about how your optimal Ultima should look like. For example the “view “question is not directly relevant for Redemption because we can’t change to an isometric view in that engine, but I am still interested in your opinion about it.
Thus far — in addition to the results of the previous poll, in which the engaging storyline option proved to be the most popular — the survey results suggest that Ultima fans want an isometric RPG with real-time action combat and no mini-map (but, rather, a big map and possibly area-specific treasure maps).
Anyhow, click on through and vote in the new polls.