Ultima IX Redemption: Early Poll Results and Thoughts
Corv has posted some preliminary thoughts on the results of the ongoing Ultima IX: Redemption features poll.
Corv has posted some preliminary thoughts on the results of the ongoing Ultima IX: Redemption features poll.
Stirring Dragon is working on a game, and aims to release it next Christmas.
Gone are the days when we could play games at whim, for what duration pleased us. How, as gamers, do we deal with changes in the gaming industry?
Crowfall has launched a new pre-alpha testing phase, borrowing a familiar name for it from Ultima Online.
There’s a survey about game features up on the Titans of Ether website. Vote for what you’d like to see in Ultima IX: Redemption!
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #171 – Revamped Epic Plate and More!
The printed versions of the board games that my Beaver Scouts designed arrived last Friday.
Joe Garrity has released a Wing Commander 3-focused teaser video.
In which we take a look at the origins of the Eight Virtues of Ultima lore, and discuss the intersection of virtue and law.
The latest Ultima Online newsletter from Broadsword Online Games looks ahead to Publish 93, and back to the Ultima series and how it inspired the Time of Legends expansion.
The latest patch for Shards Online squashes a number of bugs, and adds a number of new features to the game.