Updates to the Codex Will Be On the Light Side For The Next Couple of Weeks

Fair warning: I’m probably not going to be able to post much in the way of news over the next couple of weeks.
Here’s the thing: I’ve only got a few hours a week (at most) that I can put toward updating the Codex, and for the next little while I need to shift my focus onto getting the artwork for the board games my Beaver Scouts came up with drawn up and finalized, so that I can send it away for printing. Indeed, I’m already a little behind on that effort, so I need to take a few days and evenings to get caught up again.
Plus, it’s Holy Week, and the weekend upcoming is Easter…which I have traditionally observed by (among other things) taking a short break from posting anyway.
So, here’s what you can expect to see over the next week or two: some new Byte-Sized Virtue episodes, because I already have pre-recorded audio for those, and the occasional news update when I can find an opportunity to post one. And, of course, Golem Dragon will no doubt continue posting Shroud of the Avatar-related updates on a weekly basis…mayhap some of the other editors will also jump in and contribute an article here and there.
Still, in general, expect the Codex to have less in the way of new content until early-mid April.