Classic Ultima Online (Ultima 4 Multiplayer): Big Client Update & Bugfix

Shattered Moon has released a significant update for Classic Ultima Online. The complete list of bugfixes is very long indeed, so here’s a selection of them:
Various bug fixes for resurrection
Flamis fixed
Starter weapons and armour fixed
Players are prompted with mixture amount when mixing U4 spells
U4 Rune carvers fixed
Volume command now toggles between variations of playing or muting music & sfx
Fast attacks (ctrl + direction) can now hit a player standing next to obscured tiles
Movement costs applied for tile types (mountainous tiles cause slow movement, etc.)
Ship movement costs based on wind direction
Pirate ships now turn and are delayed by wind direction
Weapons and armour selling fixes
Thrown weapons removed when thrown
Misc fixes to AI attack behavior
Fixes bug where AI could attack through walls
Bug fix for all transports capable of ‘F’iring weapons
Numerous UI updates and graphics fixes were also made, and there’s even a new feature in the game:
Players can now pick desired classes when initiating a new game
Click on through for the complete list, and hit up either the Shattered Moon download page, or the project entry here, to grab the updated game client.