Underworld Ascendant: Something Something Warren Spector

The latest Stygian Sentinel update from OtherSide Entertainment is — as you might well expect — mostly about Warren Spector and his recent decision to sign on full time with the company, to help out with Underworld Ascendant and head up System Shock 3. If you’ve studied Spector’s career at all, you can probably guess what a good portion of the update says (more or less); it begins with an extensive recap of the man’s career.
However, we also get a statement from Spector as to why he got back into game-making:
Well, as much as I’ve enjoyed my time in academia, I’ve been getting the itch to make something again. It’s been coming on for a while… Also, the game business changes so quickly, I was starting to feel like I needed to get back into it just so I wouldn’t fall behind. You know, get some experience with crowdfunding, games as a service, the impact of streaming video on gamers, the whole metrics and analytics thing… I need to experience all of that. And when Paul Neurath dangled the System Shock 3 possibility in front of me, I really couldn’t say no.
The other news in the update concerns a contest that OtherSide held, the prize for which was a limited edition print of this image of SHODAN, the antagonist of the System Shock series:
The winners have been chosen, and their names are in the update. Congratulations to all and sundry.