Spam Spam Spam Humbug: Now On Podbean’s Front Page

I often say, toward the end of Spam Spam Spam Humbug episodes, that one of the best things you can do for the podcast is to subscribe to it. On iTunes especially, a podcast’s rank in the iOS ecosystem is primarily determined by the number of subscribers it has. And while I can’t confirm this, I suspect that the same may hold true for Podbean, the hosting service that we use for SSSH.
In which case, then let me just say a big thank you! to all of you who have subscribed to the podcast. Because…well…just check out this screenshot of Podbean’s front page (as of January 28th):
Yup…that’s Spam Spam Spam Humbug occupying the second spot under the Games & Hobbies section. That’s awesome to see…just awesome. And that, dear listeners, is all you; you and your support put us there. So thank you for that.