Spam Spam Spam Humbug: Featured on Podbean

Well, this was a pleasant surprise: if you click on over to the Games & Hobbies section on Podbean, you’ll find Spam Spam Spam Humbug occupies the #2 slot on their list of Featured Podcasts. Which is really, really cool.
Now, Podbean doesn’t go into a lot of detail, but this support article’s explanation of how they designate a podcast as Popular or Featured actually makes the news just a bit sweeter:
The popular sites on the Podbean directory are selected based on the total number of episode hits within 24 hours.
The featured podcasts on our directory are recommended by users then checked and selected by our admin team based on the hits, the layout, the content and popularity of the site.
So…whomever among the Spam Spam Spam Humbug listener base recommended it for the Featured, let me extend a heartfelt thanks. It’s seriously cool to see the little project I started on a whim get that sort of promotion, and it’s really cool that enough of you thought highly enough of the podcast to recommend it in this way.
Many great successes have started on a whim. Congrats.