Night Dive Studios’ System Shock Remake Looks Amazing

So I’m really late in reporting this. By which I mean: I wrote the article draft back in November of 2015, and then forgot to post it. Be that as it may; this is worth at least a bit of a mention.
Back in November, then, Polygon got an exclusive first look at Night Dive Studios’ remake of System Shock, and it looks…well, the screenshots above more or less tell the tale, don’t they?
Night Dive Studios acquired the rights to the System Shock franchise IP from the Star Insurance Company, which picked them up after original developer Looking Glass Studios was forced to relinquish the assets following its closure.
After testing the waters with its Enhanced Edition ofSystem Shock, the studio is now working on a full remake. The spirit of the original title guides the fairly young Night Dive, which opened its doors in 2012.
“We have been in contact with members of the original System Shock team and any future iterations of the System Shock games, and by this I mean both new titles in the series as well as major updates to the existing games, will be very true to the spirit of the originals,” Kick told us.
That commitment to preserving the essence of the 1994 release is made apparent in concept artist Robb Waters’ participation with the remake, which will be powered by the Unity engine.
Click on through to find some additional comparison screenshots, as well as concept art for some of the enemies in the game. It looks like Night Dive is really attempting to make a very faithful remake of System Shock, at least in terms of geometry and art. Hopefully their implementation of the combat mechanics and story will do justice to — if not improve upon — the original.