Ananias: Version 1.71 Released

Slashing Dragon, it would seem, does not rest often; as a result, he has released yet another update for Ananias. For the moment, only the web version of the game has received the update; presumably the various other versions of the game on various digital storefronts will receive it in short order.
This version focuses mostly on user and gameplay experience updates, including:
- Brew methil potion with Arsenic + Borax.
- Increase starting MP.
- Increase MP bonus on Level Up.
- Reduce spell costs.
- Implement Magic effects for Tiaras.
- Reduce boosted elemental magic modifier from 4 to 2.
- Add pumped magic modifier x3.
- Add evading melee attacks.
- Recover 20% of total HP on level up.
- Remove Level 0 Level Up.
- Make monster summons ephemeral, they die within some turns.
- Make monster’s status be updated when in other rooms.
- Make partial healing spells and items based on rolls.
User Experience
- Add confirmation to kill character.
- Show player info on new game.
- Show player and pet info on a new scrollable popup.
- Show player passive skills on player info popup.
- Add damage roll to spell description.
- Add prompt to select action when there’s a conflict on interacting with self (Pass turn / Pick Item / Use Pond / Use stairs).
- Add custom alert/prompt dialog.
- Show item summary on Chibi inventory panel.
- Don’t stop quick movement because of friendlies.
- Make inspector pop up on gameover on mobile.
- Show more messages on the HUD message.
Slashing Dragon does note that as his day job has resumed, his pace of work on Ananias after this release will probably be a bit slower.