Nuvie: SDL2 Support, 4:3 Aspect Ratio Pixel Support
The Nuvie changelog has been updated with summaries of what Eric and his team have been working on since early November.
2015-11-30 anylonen
* Added support for linux in CMake build script.
2015-12-18 Eric Fry
* Added support for SDL2
* Added support for VGA 4:3 aspect ratio pixels.
There’s actually more that has been done than this, although not all of it has made it into the changelog; if you’re subscribed to email updates about changes on the Nuvie project, you’ll likely have heard more about fixes for fullscreen-related bugs, fixes to joystick support, and the addition of support for mouse-wheel events (among other things). That said, a lot of the work that has been done since November has focused on ensuring that SDL2 support in the engine is solid.