Check Out Sir Cabirus’ Interactive Ultima Underworld 2 Walkthrough

Sir Cabirus Dragon has finally released his detailed, interactive walkthrough for Ultima Underworld 2.
Commenting on this on the Ultima Dragons Facebook group, Sir Cabirus had this to say about the walkthrough:
Today I’ve finished my Ultima Underworld 2 walkthrough – 15 years after I’ve completed my first one. The only thing left is the proofreading of the last 3 chapters by my English friend Stephen Tjasink.
Actually I had never an intention to write an UW2 walkthrough because the game is much bigger than the first Ultima Underworld. But everything was to turn out completely different: at the end of March 2014, I was tidying up my office and I stumbled across a CD containing several Ultima Underworld II saved games. One of these was the endgame, so it included maps of all worlds and levels. The saved game was pretty old – I solved Ultima Underworld II at the end of May 1997! However, I copied the saved games to my Ultima Underworld II installation folder after re-installing the game. Marvellous memories came back and I made screenshots of all maps and created an outline of an Ultima Underworld II walkthrough using these maps. The maps had only a few remarks in German and I had no other screenshots and no idea of all the details. Therefore I coudn’t use these maps for an English walkthrough – so I have replayed the game, collected all the details, took screenshots and exchanged the maps to fill up the outline with all this information little by little.
This walkthrough contains 46 pages with overall 647 screenshots. Most of the screenshots are animated. You can find these schreenshots by exploring the maps – and that makes this walkthrough interactive.
And, indeed, the walkthrough is nothing short of excellent in its detail, and gorgeous in its presentation. Well worth checking out!