Ultima Online: 20 Biased Reasons It’s The Greatest Game Ever Made

Actor and blogger Jason Lieu has written a blog post in which he lists what he calls “20 TOTALLY BIASED REASONS WHY ULTIMA ONLINE WAS THE GREATEST MMORPG EVER MADE”:
That’s a title fit for Buzzfeed if I ever heard one. I woke up and the first thing that I thought of was Ultima Online, and I hadn’t played that game in over 10 years, that’s how amazing that game was. This list is based on my experience before 2004, so don’t go out and buy it. So hunker down and take a trip down memory lane with me.
He covers a number of features of the game, and to be fair his analysis is often pretty apt in drawing out something that made — and still makes — Ultima Online unique, as compared to other MMORPGs. Here’s an example:
18. Weight Based Inventory
Inventory these days make no sense, they are usually all slot based and that’s annoying. My bag is not large enough to pick up one god damn flower petal? Sounds legit! UO used a weight based system, you can carry all you want, but you can’t go over the limit without being encumbered. Sure it’s weird and unrealistic to be holding so many swords in your bag, but the idea is better and more flushed out than slots. It also introduced ways to fight against thieves by allowing you to stash tons of clothing to cover up your good items in your bags. You would rarely hit the weight limit unless you were gathering resources. The system complimented crafting so that you could spend all day crafting and staying still and never notice your bag was full. It complimented PvP where you can loot on quickly without worrying too much about hitting your limits. And all you needed was your main bag, none of this frivolous bag collecting side game that so many MMOs instate these days.
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