Sylph: Project Miyaji’s Kickstarter Campaign Will Begin This Evening

It seems Goldenflame Dragon isn’t the only one who is enlisting the talented Indi Martin to create art for his game!
The #Kickstarter for #Sylph's 24×18" ink-and-watercolor box cover art by Indi Martin begins Tuesday, November 17th, 8:00 PM EST. #gameart
— Eight Virtues (@eightvirtues) November 7, 2015
The amazing Indi Martin of @TortHareCreate will be hand-painting the cover art for #Sylph: Project Miyaji. #gameart
— Eight Virtues (@eightvirtues) November 4, 2015
And I think this is a preview image:
Version two of the "Project Image" for #Sylph's upcoming cover art campaign. #gameart #coverart #boxart #kickstarter
— Eight Virtues (@eightvirtues) November 11, 2015
So…keep an eye on the Eight Virtues Twitter account this evening, and watch for the announcement that the Kickstarter campaign is underway.
And while you wait, why not check out Kevin’s work on explosions in the game?