Extra Life in SotA: Support Browncoat Jayson & Watch the Livestream

Browncoat Jayson, he who shepherds The Digital Lycaeum, begins his Extra Life gaming marathon tomorrow. As was reported previously, he’ll be playing Shroud of the Avatar for the full 24-hour period, and you can find full details about that on this thread at the Shroud forums:
We gamers have a chance to help sick kids on Saturday, November 7, by doing what we do best: playing games! Extra Life is a 24-hour video game marathon to raise money to help kids at Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. All the money raised for Extra Life will go directly to the Children’s Miracle Network Hospital of your choice. I am playing for the Dell Children’s Medical Center, located in Austin Texas (the home of Portalarium, and only a stones throw from their offices).
This year, I will be streaming Shroud of the Avatar live for 24-hours over on my Twitch.tv channel. I’ve asked the community to create as many events to show off the game as possible for that day, and hope that the list will continue to grow.
Now I’d like to ask all of you to help make this happen! Some of our community members have been generous enough to offer me some prize items to giveaway during the event, so everyone who donates will have a chance to win something! The list of prizes is in the next post, and will be given away every two hours, with grand prizes to be drawn at the end of the stream. I will contact all of the winners to get contact information.
If you are not content to just help me and want to start raising money for your local Children’s Miracle Network hospital, you can! I’ve created a Team on Extra Life for anyone in the community to join. Team Reno Zephyr takes its name from the Words of Power that Richard revealed during the R19 Postmortem, and means “Healing Wind”. And that is our goal, to bring health, life, and support to sick children like a breath of fresh air! You can help!
Join Reno Zephyr by signing up for Extra Life 2015 at http://www.extra-life.org/team/reno-zephyr
You can support me directly at http://www.extra-life.org/participant/browncoatjayson. You don’t need to create an account or login to pledge, just click the Support Me button, select a donation amount, and fill in your information. Its helpful if you include your forum name in the message, but you can mark the message and donation as private if you only want me to see it. Once the pledge is confirmed, you will receive a tax receipt via email. Make sure you use a valid email address, so I can contact you for prizes and other announcements!
He also details the prizes that will be up for grabs during his livestream:
Thanks to our generous community, I am happy to announce that there will be a LOT of prizes available during this livestream!
There are three tiers of prizes available. The first will be drawn every two hours, and anyone who donates for me during the event is eligible to win.
- Add-On Store Credits in $5 (5), $10 (2), and $20 (2) denominations
- Steam keys for Kingdom (2), and RPG Maker: VX Ace Deluxe
- T-shirts (3), Beanies (2), Oracle Coin, Lord British/Darkstarr Challenge Coin, and a set of Lord British Pint Glasses, all from Relics by Rild
A second tier of prizes have a higher value, so only those who donate at least $25 will be eligible to win. These will be drawn at the end of the livestream.
- Steam keys for Fallen: A2P Protocol and a Shroud of the Avatar Adventurer pledge
- Four (4) Aether Vibration Amplifier Consoles, courtesy of Avatars Radio
The grand prizes are quite unique! The top three supporters will be announced at the end of the livestream, and will have their choice of prize! You can donate multiple times, and I will calculate your total if you want to compete for these excellent items.
- A signed Shroud of the Avatar: New Beginnings comic, with the one-of-a-kind original comic board used to create it, courtesy of Indi Martin and W.O. Billman II. This is a unique prize from a fabulous artist!
- A Custom Lego Mini-figure of your character, courtesy of Joseph Drasin. You will get to work with Joseph to make sure it matches your character. The last time this prize was offered, someone upgraded to a Duke pledge just to get it!
- A handcrafted ceramic mug decorated with Lord British’s symbol, courtesy of Relics by Rild. Lord British himself has a pair of these mugs, but it has never been available for sale! You will be in exclusive company with this prize.
Prizes are limited to one per person. If you win a higher tier prize, I’ll redraw a winner for an earlier prize. Thanks for understanding!
You should probably follow the Facebook event page Jayson has set up for any additional details. And, of course, I would encourage you to support his Extra Life campaign diretly, if you are at all able.
Thank you for the shoutout! I’m so pumped for this!