For The King: First Stretch Goal Met; New Stretch Goal Revealed

The For The King Kickstarter campaign continues to do impressively well; the first stretch goal — $45,000 CAD — has been unlocked. It’s a minor goal, basically the addition of a cosmetic re-skin for player-characters, but it’s also a step on the way to the $55,000 stretch goal, which will see an additional biome added (back into) the game.

IronOak Games have also announced a new stretch goal:

Okay, so maybe pets aren’t the most exciting feature…but on the other hand, I take it as a sign that the team are trying to keep things manageable for themselves. (I’m also pretty certain they’ll hit the $75,000 stretch goal…response to the project has been really positive so far, and it seems to be accruing support at a pretty steady pace.)