Stretch Goals Announced for Divinity: Original Sin 2’s Kickstarter Campaign

Larian Studios have announced the first few stretch goals for Divinity: Original Sin 2’s ongoing Kickstarter campaign. The first one had already been met by the time they revealed them, and the second one is (as of this writing) only about $2,300 away from being realized.
Here are the goals:
You can find out more details about each goal in this post on the game’s Kickstarter page. Honestly, I don’t find any of these goals particularly interesting, but they mileage may vary.
Larian have also announced a few new rewards for some of the pledge tiers:
Due to the high demand for some of the tiers, we’ve introduced a few more to give more folks a shot at the rewards they’re after!
Because of this, every backer who already pledged $125 or more (i.e. the “Kickstarter Collectors Edition” tier, or any higher tier) will ALSO receive downloads of our Digital Developer’s Diary materials, including design documents, notes on story and world-building, and an art pack.
And that’s not all! Every backer who pledges more than $200 (i.e. the “Signed Kickstarter Collector’s Edition” tier, or any higher tier) will ALSO receive a signed piece of concept art delivered to their door!
Signed concept art…now that might be of interest to some.