Ultima Online: Napa Valley and Warehouse Issues; Time of Legends Focus Group Procedure

Ultima Online has been having a rough couple of weeks, it seems. Broadsword Online Games had to revert the Napa Valley shard back in late June, to address an issue caused by a corrupted file. And on July 1st, they had to take the login servers down for a while to correct unspecified issues therewith.
Today, they’ve had to take the game’s warehouses offline:
Due to issues we have had for the past few days we are restarting the following warehouses:
Log in
Promotional Codes
Vet Rewards
HousingThe warehouses should only be unavailable for 1 hour approx. We will be taking them down at 10:45 am EDT.
So if you’ve been experiencing issues with any of those aspects of the game today, that’s probably why.
Additionally, Bonnie Armstrong published a series of steps to follow for those interested in joining the Time of Legends focus group, thereby to test that upcoming expansion:
Steps for the Time of Legends focus group:
1. Players email me they are interested in joining the focus group and give me the name of their account.
2. An email is sent to those that applied congratulating them and providing some links for moving forward.
3. Players fill out the NDA and a survey.
4. We pull the information supplied by the survey and link the requested internal forums name to the account name.
5. I make each person an Internal forums account after which the player will receive an automated email from the Broadsword forums.
6. The list is then given to Bleak so he can plug in all the account numbers so players can have access to Eodon (the test shard).Please understand that if you have the email from the Broadsword Forums it will take approx. 1 day to get the information plugged in so you can have access to the shard. If you are being bounced back to the log in screen please give it a day.
If for any reason when I looked up the game account name given and it was closed, you were not added to the focus group. If anyone is still having trouble please email mesanna@broadsword.com with the account name and I will do my best to resolve the issue.
I don’t know if these steps are still relevant, or if focus group applications are still being accepted. But, in case you were wondering…there you go.