Exult: Pixel Artist Needed for iOS Port

The ongoing effort to port Exult to iOS needs the help of a talented pixel artist to create, among other things, a few new UI elements:
Heya, anyone who did the great pixel art (Crowley, Calista…) still reading here?
For the iOS port of Exult we could use some help for designing buttons for the tool/shortcut bar that recently got implemented:
The topic related to it is at https://github.com/litchie/exult-ios/issues/3
The size of the disk/combat/peace icons are roughly a good size – the other ones are too small.
The orange pointer was supposed to be the green crosshair you get when pressing ‘t’ (didn’t have time to correct this yet) and for SI there is supposed to be the keyring and jawbone available (if in inventory).
The toolbar should have:
– disk (icon is ok, needs transparency)
– combat/peace (icon is ok, needs transparency)
– map (BG/SI)
– spellbook (probably rather the red one from SI from the paperdoll)
– backpack
– key (perhaps rather vertically than horizontally) and keyring
– notebook
– target (should be the green crosshair, could be something better)
– jawboneAnyone feeling up to that task? I’m about to try my hands as well, but I wanted to ask the more experienced users first 🙂
Click on through to the Exult forums to volunteer your talents, if taking this task on would be something of interest to you.