Ananias Roguelike: IndieGameStand Interview
Slashing Dragon’s roguelike for Windows/OS X/Linux/Android/web (phew!) got some well-deserved press recently, in the form of an interview with IndieGameStand:
I had an interview with the guys from IndieGameStand a couple weeks ago. You can watch it at youtube here and here.
Topics discussed:
- Ananias going greenlit while on sale on IndieGameStand.
- The history of development of the game.
- Design principles of the game.
- Who is the development team
- The influence of the Ultima series on the game
- Advantages of HTML5 development for multiplatform distribution
- The roguelike-likes, or the “THAT’S NOT A ROGUELIKE!” thing: roguelikenes, traditional roguelikes and making fun games.
- The abundance of bad games in the market made by unexperienced people or downplaying the value of gameplay.
- Plans for the future of Ananias.
- The game being rejected from and their policies on “Production Values”.
Slash, for his part, continues to devote his considerable energies to adding new features to Ananias; I can only imagine we’ll see yet another release from him in the none-too-distant future.