Giveaway: Two Ultima Underworld Bundle Codes for GOG (All Codes Given Away!)

If you backed Underworld Ascendant on Kickstarter at the $75 level (or above), one of the rewards was a digital copy of the original Ultima Underworld games (by way of a redeemable GOG code). Well, as it happens, I already own the Underworld games on GOG, and so I have one code to give away. And thanks to Leewelo, I actually have a second code to give away as well.

All codes have been given away. The contest is over. Thank you, everyone, for your interest!

The first code went to VisElEchNon, who correctly stated the original name for the Slasher of Veils (which was later assigned to another NPC in Ultima Underworld). If you’re wondering where that piece of trivia came from, Dan Schmidt talked about it when the Codex interviewed him back in 2012.

The second code went to Tim, who identified just what it is about fire elementals in Ultima Underworld that is bugged. Jumping over a fire elemental will — as we learned from Dan Schmidt’s Ultima Underworld design notes — trigger a divide-by-zero error.

The First Age of Update: Courtesy of Dominus, a third code became available. This code was claimed by Tihamér, who correctly identified Warren Spector as the originator, as far as we know, of the Ultima Underworld cover concept that Denis Loubet subsequently created.

2 Responses

  1. Ali says:
