Stygian Abyss: Version 1.2 Released; Character Creation, New Weapons, New Intro and Ending

Slashing Dragon has released…well, actually, he has released two updates for Stygian Abyss, his Ultima-inspired entry for the 7 Day Rogue-Like (7DRL) challenge. Version 1.1, which was released about ten days ago, introduced a number of changes to the game over and above what’s in the original 7DRL version:
- Allow Saving and Loading games (using O)
- Add compass
- Add weapons on viewport
- Change melee mechanics
- Lower water and lava from the floor level
- Added music tracks to each dungeon level
- New title screen
- New select class screen
- Include 7drl hotfixes (Missing textures)
- Change item icons and graphics
- Add new textures for Dragon and Hydra
- Add Lava Lizard
- Add features to level
- Tweaks on pixel font
- Several tweaks on collisions
- Lots of infrastructure work
Version 1.2, meanwhile, was released only a few days ago. It, too, adds several new things to the game, and also overhauls the introduction and endgame sequences:
- Add new weapons and armor
- Reenable weapon degradation
- Increase swimming speed
- Animated, bigger and solid dungeon features
- Changed sprites for Dragon, Gazer, Skeleton
- Generate different cavern walls
Player Experience
- Fix typos
- Reduce messages (Specially in battle)
- Show player level
- Add intro and instructions
- Enhance ending sequence
Here are a few screenshots from both versions:
- Creating a charracter
- Stone vein texture
- New introduction
You can play Stygian Abyss online right here, and you can follow its development on GitHub.