Slashing Dragon’s Stygian Abyss for 7DRL: Day Three Report
Slashing Dragon has posted a report of his progress on his Ultima-inspired 7DRL project, which is now over three days into its development. The level generator now adds both rooms and connecting corridors of variable sizes to the map, and also allows for some irregularity in the shape of rooms.
Also did the design for magic spells, we are supporting a subset of the spells from the original U4. Also started doing some research on the actual appearance of the original Stygian Abyss, based on the rooms on the game, following some walkthroughs and checking some wikis for maps (unfortunately haven’t been able to find images for all rooms).
What’s next:
- Add areas (ex: Lair of the Dragon, Evil Mages Camp, Fortress of the Balron, Zorn’s Nest, Damned Graveyard, etc)
- Add enemies (3rd level generator)
- Fix bug with connections between areas and subareas.
- Integrate with Exodus’ engine.
You can follow Slash’s progress 7DRL website.