Another Early, Steampunk Shroud of the Avatar Concept Art by Denis Loubet

The Hunter. Albeit I suppose she should be called the Huntress.
He describes the character’s creation thusly:
Very Early Shroud of the Avatar character concept piece. Based on steampunk cosplay research and SotA art guidelines. Lots of leather, brass, red velvet, and little else.
Of course, because this is how such things must transpire now, someone had to ask:
So does she seduce enemies or is she supposed to fight them in that ridiculous getup?
Loubet’s reply:
She shoots wild game in it. The designers wanted steampunk flesh.
A discussion ensued around this topic, but lost in the middle of it was a lament from Sergorn Dragon which I think is rather more significant here: “Every time I see some of those steampunk design for SotA I wish they went that way instead of just going back to Ultima style.” It’s a sentiment that I, for one, find I agree with; there’s a refreshing originality to this art style, and few games have attempted to incorporate something similar. Even the item names in the drawing — Ampere Rifle(!!!) — tease potential and invention.
Anyhow, if seeing more of this sort of artwork is of interest to you, consider backing Denis Loubet on Patreon; his supporters get advance access to his creations, and can even submit requests.