Underworld Ascendant: Stretch Goals Reworked; Lizardmen Take Priority

Thepa thit tosa!
Once it became apparent that we would not necessarily be zooming up and past the $1.2M stretch goal, we decided that it made more sense to break out the $150,000 big stretch goals into 3 smaller $50,000 chunks each. Breaking it out like this gives the community a better chance to reach at least 1 or 2 of the 3 original features within whatever stretch goal we end up in, rather than making it an all-or-nothing proposition.
We have also taken this as an opportunity to shift around a couple of the features. Most notably, we swapped the Necropolis and Haunt, with the Underswamp and Lizardmen. These are both very similar scoped features. We made the swap because we’ve seen a lot of chatter about the Lizardmen, which seem to be a fan favorite, and we wanted to up the odds that they would get reached.
So, here are the updated stretch goals, in charty form:
It really wouldn’t be the Stygian Abyss of Ultima Underworld fame without the Lizardmen, would it?
I know that Kicktraq projections aren’t to be taken as being particularly accurate, but…$750,000 seems to be within the realm of possibility here. The Kickstarter campaign isn’t over yet; there are still six days left to go!